Hong Long International Group Sdn Bhd

Logo Hong Long International Group Sdn Bhd
Business Industry / Sector

Company Description

Hong Long International Group Sdn. Bhd. "HL Group" is a company that boldly innovates and

transforms traditional agriculture into a modern business model, which combined tourism

and education to form a platform for "Agrotourism" . In 2014, HL Dragon Fruit Eco Farm

started planting dragon fruits. In 2016, we created the first dragon fruit themed restaurant

in Malaysia with the concept of "Farm-to-Table" . In 2020, we successfully built the

landmark "Malaysia Largest Dragon Fruit Shaped Structure" in Sepang. This building had

also been awarded The Malaysia Book of Records in 2021. Our company started

industrializing local fruits into other food and beverage products. Until 2023, Hong Long International

Group had reached a brand new height, the Largest Building shaped as a Dragon Fruit was awarded as

Guinness World Record Holder on 19.11.2023. Definitely a historical milestone not only to HL Group, but

also to Malaysia as World-Level landmark welcoming all the international guests.