Power Logic (M) Sdn Bhd
- Industry / Business Sector
- Consumer Goods
- State:
- Selangor
- City:
- Puchong
Company Description
With our commitment and professionalism, we have continued to develop unique products and to establish our service channels nationwide.
UPS & AVR are the first products that we developed. Until now, we have various range of UPS with capacity ranging from 800VA to 480KVA. For Networks and data centre, we have several type of UPS that delivers reliable power and with real time power management software we can control and auto shutdown multiple servers. Besides that, Power Logic also wide range of UPS for industry use which is three phasee True online UPS and N+X Modular type UPS.
Power Logic is now expanding into heavy duty and high performance industry for green power solutions. We wish to provide comprehensive power solutions to our customers.