- Industry / Business Sector
- Human Resources
- State:
- Selangor
- City:
Company Description
Established in 2017, we have built a reputation of being one of the most trusted recruitment and employment agencies with the largest pool of local manpower in Malaysia.
Mainly our focus is on the B40 groups as they need our support the most. But we don't just stop right there, we also assist the white collar to find suitable roles for them to explore new environment and improve their skills set.
We have created a platform where we are able to provide jobs to the people, an extension for job providers.
Our goal is to reduce poverty every step that we could, mainly our method is by providing the people with jobs/placement. The key here is to get them back on their feet, employment.
We PSJ have easily provided over 1000 people with job placement. This shows our dedication to our society.
Our dedicated supportive team helps to provide solutions to unemployed people.
During 2022 PSJ has branch out to white collar outsourcing as well, our focus was used to blue collar outsourcing only but then again we are all about helping the community to become stronger.